Failure to Process Agriculture Produce Hurts Economy – Museveni

The 2015 Uganda Demographic health survey indicated that over 3,000 Uganda children are malnourished, a figure so high and worries many stakeholders. According to Museveni, Africa produces lots of agricultural products but because many are not processed they fetch low-value something that has paralyzed the country’s economy. “If all these products are processed, the economy of Uganda would grow up 10 times bigger. All the products that we have now if they were all processed, the size of Uganda’s GDP would grow up to about 10 times.” Said, H.E Yoweri K. Museveni – President.

He said that the failure to process products leads to waste and consequent famine. “When you process something here, it can be sold in Uganda, it can be sold in the region of Africa, it can be sold abroad. But if it’s not processed, most likely it will not reach far, it will just be eaten here or get spoilt. We get a lot of post-harvest losses.” Because of these, children and pregnant mothers miss out on various nutrients hence malnutrition continues to leverage the country. The government continues to fork out billions in treated illnesses that are related to malnutrition, something that Mama Care looks forward to addressing. “What we intend to make it nutritious, healthy, affordable and yet tasty. All these put together as His Excellency mentioned, we are mixing a lot of synergies and creating a food which is a perfect food.” Said, Harish Bhuptani – Mama Care Foundation.