Drama In Bulenga As Controversial Buyende District Police Boss Muhammed Kirumira Is Arrested

It is early morning and the presence of uniformed Police officers and other security operatives in plain clothes at the home of embattled Buyende District Police Commander Muhammad Kirumira has raised suspicion in the neighborhood. On noticing their presence, Kirumira locks himself in the house. Kirumira then asked the Policemen and the operatives to identify themselves and show the arrest warrant. “Do you have orders to arrest me?” “It is my instruction.” “Do you have orders to arrest me?” “Which charge?” “I am saying...”

When the negotiations failed, the Police summoned men with some tools to break into Kirumira’s house. “They want to abduct me. Let them break the door and take me where they want.” A man in plain clothes tried to hand over a phone to the Commander of the operation claiming that the Security Minister Lt. Gen. Henry Tumukunde had ordered the Police to stop Kirumira’s arrest. “General Tumukunde wants to talk to you please.” “Tell him to talk to IGP.” “General Tumukunde wants to talk to you just a minute. Unh Afande.” The Police officer-in-charge ignored General Tumukunde’s alleged messenger, a fist fight almost ensued when Kirumira attempted to speak to the person on phone. The Police then fired live bullets in the air to disperse the growing crowds. Kirumira was a darling among the ordinary people here and wherever he worked.

After long hours of installment between the Police and DPC for Buyende district Muhammad Kirumira. They finally broke into his house and picked him up. shots were fired and according to the Police, they had fulfilled what they had come to do. “President Museveni, look into this matter, my son has been taken and we don’t know where he’s been taken.” “If he is to be taken to Court, let him be taken...instead... Look at the wife, she is pregnant, there is nothing that hurts like your husband being taken away like that when you are pregnant.” Said, Sophia Namutebi – Traditional Healer.

Kirumira was briefly detained at Katwe Police Station in Kampala. “He was delivered to face the disciplinary Court in Naguru this afternoon and has been remanded to the Railway Police Station. He will be coming back to Court on 6th February.” Said, Emilian Kayima – Police Spokesperson. Last week, Kirumira was charged with torture, extortion, corruption, bribery, unlawful arrests and excessive use of authority. He allegedly committed the offenses between 2013 and 2014 as the Officer In-charge of Nansana Police Station in Wakiso district and Old Kampala as Division Police Commander.