The country had been waiting for the arrival of Cuban doctors who were supposed to be flown in to support the country’s health sector. Charged Members of Parliament seating on the Health Committee summoned the Minister of Health in-charge of General Duties Sarah Opendi to explain the logic behind hiring foreign medical practitioners when they couldn’t pay their own. And when she turned up, the Minister surprised the Committee when she said the matter of importing doctors only arose during one of those crisis meetings when the doctors were on strike and it never came up again. “That matter was raised, that matter was mooted at a time when doctors were on strike I think the Minister was quoted in both print and electronic media and I must say that as we speak now, we don’t have something concrete regarding the importing of 200 doctors. It was just a discussion which had not moved to any level, that is what I can say as far as Cuban doctors is concerned.” Said Sarah Opendi.
Not contented with the Minister’s submission, the bitter MPs then went to ask how much the government planned to pay these doctors. “The Minister has tried to answer but we need another day when we have a full bench here but thank you Honorable Minister.” “If they can import doctors from Cuba now, why can’t you to respond to issues raised by our Senior Consultants and doctors now?” “May be in your discussions if they continue talking about Cuba, am even wondering why doctors from Cuba not any other country?”
Joseph Ssewungo Kalungu East Legislator insisted that even under circumstances the plan was real and the government was not prepared to handle the pressure. Minister Opendi asked the Committee to put the matter to rest since there wasn’t any further information for them to divulge on.