UNRA Asks Contractors To Execute Projects In Time Despite Budget Challenges

The ninth Ugandan Economic Update was charged on Uganda’s infrastructure financing released last week by the World Bank which highlighted that the country loses nearly a trillion shillings each year within lined projects. “It has been estimated that Uganda has lost about US Dollars 300 million per annum in inefficient infrastructural selling mostly through underpricing and inability to complete projects within cost and on schedule.” Said, Moses Kibirege – Team Leader, World Bank. Now the Uganda National Roads Authority rolled out its engagement with contractors mainly of Chinese origin touching on quality assurance among many other issues.

“We will ensure that procurement is done transparently and in time, will also ensure that supervision on projects is the best that you can expect, will also make sure that where there are breaches the penalties are as given in the contract will be applied.” Said, Allen Kagina – Executive Director, UNRA. In agreement with contract matters as raised at the meeting between UNRA and its contractors, the Ministry of Finance recommitted itself to reviewing of planned projects. “I have a prim framework which we shall be signing here, should be able to first identify the projects we are going in as the public sector, prepare them and only arrive at a level where you are ready to finance.” Patrick Ocailap – Deputy Secretary to the Treasury.

There was a record 10 trillion shilling of un-disbursed donor committed funds from the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the EXIM Bank, and the French Development Organization due to right of way, compensation, and implementation issues, according to the Ministry of Finance.