Citibank: Financial Institutions Must Adapt To Digital Innovation To Remain Competitive

The days for banks to do business in the traditional ways may be over as technology and resolutions create pressure to which banks adopt to and may even sooner or laternecessitate consolidations in mergers and acquisitions. “the rest of the continent is inevitably going through some type of wave over the past 5years and with the thin tech disruptions in Africa ,it’s inevitable that banks are going to adapt and because of that I see two ways; one a partnership with one of the thin techs , two is a review of bank – consumer behavior that citi doesn’t play in the retail space but the corporate feedback that we have is that on demand, analysis is the expectation” said Geoffrey Gursel Sub Sahara Africa sales &Trade solutions , citi bank.

With the era that the fiscal bank probe had virtually gone and technology evolved paperless money coming on board ,bank robbers are online hackers of sorts necessitating a new approach to cyber security.